James, thank you for this 2 part tribute to a man who informed and inspired many. Regardless of your political stance in this country, you cannot claim to care about this country and obfuscate information and hinder a full disclosure of the facts surrounding the biggest tragedy in the nation's history. Dr. Wecht always approached the subject as a duty to his fellow citizens, one pursued against criticism and honestly, what appears to be the predecessor of "deplatforming" and censorship. He pressed on, as we all must, to uncover the truth in the hall of mirrors set before us. May we add his name to Garrison, Fonzi, Marrs, Salandria, Ferrell, Jones, Thompson, Sahl, and the others that we follow the work of. All citizens who cared about the truth.

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Thanks Tom. Cyril Wecht was a man who refused to let his voice be silenced on the JFK case. Not only was he right about that, he was right on the evidence also.

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May 24·edited Jun 5

Thank you for the history lessons. There were some details and nuggets that I wasn't aware of. (Did Cyril Wecht testify at the Church Committee?)

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No he did not, but he wanted to. Thanks.

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Extremely succinct and informative, thanks. I will be forwarding it in whole and with the original URL link to some people who may also be interested.

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