Dear Thomas, Where's the evidence for such an early shot? How could Oswald miss the entire limo for a 1st shot? Neuromuscular reaction or "jet effect"? Which one of these 2 excuses is correct? (Answer: Both pseudo-science and wrong). Debris flew onto the trunk and blasted towards follow-up motorcycle cops, consistent with Newtonian laws.

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Don’t come at this guy with logic, he can’t handle it. He will just want to know how often you get a paycheck from the Russians.

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Harvey was an important player at the nexus of key JFK data points: Miami, the Mob, Castro plots, assassination expertise. Wouldn’t it be better if he was based in Rome from a deniability standpoint? If not Harvey, do you have a leading candidate from the operational standpoint? Shackley, Jenkins? What’s your own opinion?

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I will answer this on Black Op Radio.

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Reiner says there were five snipers, though he names only four. He starts by saying "there were at least four" shooters and then gives the locations that you list. But, he says "shooters in the Dal-Tex building AND the County Records Building," not "the Dal-Tex building OR the County Records Building."

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I did not notice that. Thanks. BTW, he now has 7 million downloads.

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I’ve listened to Rob Reiner’s podcast ’Who Killed JFK’ up until the end, where he claimed to know who the JFK plot mastermind was as well as who all the shooters were [& their locales in Dealey], & that [per Reiner] the devastating head-shot ‘had to come from some other locale other than the ‘Grassy Knoll’.’ At that point I, decided to stop listening, because… That being said, even including the ‘issues’ that you & I may have w parts of Reiner’s ‘Who Killed JFK’ has, IMO he’s likely not a [deliberate] dis-info agent.

- But, James I also just read your critique of Sam Fetter’s ‘Under the Cover of Night’ that you just posted @ Kennedys&King. James IDK what your opinion of Fetter’s motives for pushing such a WTF mess, but unlike Reiner re ‘Who Killed JFK’, IMO Fetter likely IS a deliberate Dis-Info agent. IMO guys like Fetter are much more insidious than open ‘lone-nutters’ ala Gerald Posner, because Fetter ‘poses’ as a ‘lone-nut’ critic, while pushes a theory of the JFK case that’s so damn lame & wacked- WOW!! His ‘theory’ that LBJ was the master-mind of the JFK hit, effectively discredits anyone who asks just how involved was LBJ re the JFK plot before Nov 22, 1963. Fetter’s ‘theory’ of Z-Tape alteration, effectively discredits those who legitimately ask if parts of the Z-Tape have indeed been altered. His ‘theory’ re JFK’s body being tampered with, effectively discredits those who’ve legitimately critiqued exactly what did happen at Bethesda re that dubiously botched autopsy [IE: was JFK’s body tampered w {at Bethesda} prior to the ‘official’ autopsy, & was his body switched to a different casket before arriving there], etc... And then most of Fetter's dubious 'theories' re the JFK case not only based on dubious sources, but even 'Just His Imagination' re the case.

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Mr. Parker, I agree with you that compared to Fetter, Reiner is a pretty good source. I don't know about Fetter, I just thought he was so agenda driven, that he lost his compass and since he did not apparently have an editor, he just went wildly overboard. But hey, maybe you are correct. I don't know.

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Presuming Fetter is indeed a dis-info agent, what would be his real agenda? IMO to drive disputes, divisions & even rancor within the ranks of critics of the WC's claim that 'LHO was JFK's 'lone-nut' assassin'. There's no real concensus among WC critics on these issues IE: LBJ's exact role [if any] in the plot pre Nov 22, 1963; how & when was JFK's body altered prior to the 'official' autopsy; &/or whether the copy of Z-Tape that's now available has been altered. But Fetter's pushing 'theories' re these issues that are so lame, anyone who looks into any of them may well be 'tarred' as backing Fetter's obviously wacked views on these issues.

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Appreciate that perceptive comment.

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I plan to read that article on the Transparency Plan by Andrew and Mark.

Thanks for your review Jim.

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Welcome Gerry.

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it seems very mixed bag here.especilly idea william harvey was mastermind of the plot

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