Another witness passing, with only scant notice. They'll keep their firewall 100 years or more. But it's barely a screen now.

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I had to do this because no one else would have.

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Thanks for that. I remembered him from the 2 and 4 hour docs. A quiet man who learned things no one should have had to. And he had the courage to speak up.

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Thank you, Jim, it was really nice! I made his findagrave and posted snips of your article on it.: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/269013076/james-allan-gochenaur

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Welcome, and nice one by you. I am really glad we got him in JFK Revisited.

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Thank you , Jim! yes, I'm so glad you covered him too! TY!

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Jim, I was in the tenth grade crossing what was then Monon Street from Mr. Kadotani's drafting class to the main campus of John Marshall High School in the Griffith Park/ Los Feliz/ Silver Lake area. That was when I heard about President Kennedy being shot over the PA system. The world I knew before then changed forever and that's when the festering mess of Washington D.C. began growing. I am so glad I found Oliver Stone's and your work (Books, Films, Videos) even at this late date. I have been absorbing it all and it helps to give me some level of closure in a personal way. I hope pray that somehow our world will someday heal and become close to the kind of world President John Kennedy envisioned. Thank you so much for all you and Mr. Stone have and are accomplishing. God bless you both. - Enrico Tarantini, Pacific Palisades

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Thanks much Enrico.

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Mr Goshenaur’s encounters w SS agent Elmer Moore is telling. That the secret service would pick Moore as a point-man for its probe of JFK’s assassination [where the SS clearly failed its sworn duty to protect JFK], even tho he had such open disdain for JFK, IMO reflects not only how many in top SS posts felt about JFK, but ditto for the FBI, CIA, DOD, etc… Moore also effectively admitted to Mr Gochenaur that 2 of his superiors at the SS set Abe Bolden up to keep him testifying to the Warren Commission about the Chicago Plot of Nov 2, 1963. Mr Bolden would also likely told the WC just how lax or even out-right derelict the SS was in protecting JFK. Obviously Moore was openly racist & ditto re J.Edgar Hoover’s FBI too.

- Jim I’m going to go a bit off-topic, tho IMO not really. In this article you briefly mentioned the Lincoln assassination, & also addressed a question about it on Black Op Radio recently. I was 7yrs old in 2nd grade when JFK was killed, so I was just kinda-sorta starting-out in school. Of-course at some point we were taught that Lincoln was the first US Pres to be assassinated [w JFK being the latest to be shot as POTUS]. IDK what US students were taught about Lincoln’s assassination pre circa 1960 – 63, but I & my peers were effectively taught Lincoln was killed by some weird actor guy w ‘southern sympathies’ named John Wilkes Booth, who after shooting Lincoln jumped from Lincoln’s balcony unto the stage, breaking his leg yet got away, encountered Dr Mudd who set Booth’s broken leg. Sometime later he was caught in a barn by federal troops in a manhunt, but died of his wounds before he could stand trial… And That’s It. BTW when I was in 8th grade I & my class actually visited the Ford Theater in DC where Booth shot Lincoln, & that was essentially the story we were told. The point being, I didn’t know Lincoln was assassinated based on a plot / a conspiracy until I saw a ‘History Channel’ documentary on the matter circa 2010.

- As you know the Lincoln assassination plot was an attempted 'decapitation strike' on Lincoln’s govt, targeting not just Lincoln but also his VP & Sec of State. In fact Sec of State William Seward was brutally knife-attacked in his bed by Booth co-conspirator Lewis Powell, which nearly killed Seward & left him bed-ridden for several months. The guy tasked w killing Lincoln’s VP failed to go thru w it, never-the-less he still was arrested, tried & hung. Heck Booth even hoped Union Commanding Gen US.Grant would be at the Ford Theater w Lincoln so he could be targeted too, but that didn’t happen. This case was also significant because a woman at whose home Booth met & plotted w his co-conspirators, was also arrested, tried & hung as a co-conspirator [tho she wasn’t accused as an assassin], making her the first woman to be executed by the US federal govt. BTW it’s not clear what role if any Dr Mudd had in the plot, tho it seems he met Booth at-least once before that night. In any event he was convicted & spent several yrs in prison. IMO the Lincoln assassination plot likely went beyond Booth & his cohort, it could be that top Confederates [IE: Jefferson Davis &/or Alexander Stephens] may have known of it & even given their tacit OK [that’s speculative but IMO not wildly so – I excluded Robert E.Lee because at the time he was too busy in the field].

- Question: In your opinion Jim, is the reason my generation who attended school in the immediate wake of JFK’s assassination, were misled about the real nature & scope of the Lincoln’s assassination plot [in-fact they failed to even mention it was a plot], is because the MSM media & ‘powers that be’ did not want the public to know that a JFK predecessor, legendary POTUS Abe Lincoln, during a time of national crisis & division, was killed as a result of a conspiracy? Which such knowledge may well have rendered the derisive JFK ‘wacko conspiracy theorist’ meme’ null & void’? So they pushed the false idea of JW.Booth as Lincoln’s ’lone nut assassin’ to jibe w the claim LH.Oswald was JFK’s [alleged] ‘lone nut assassin?

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You are probably on to something. I agree that the Lincoln murder is taught as being only Booth as a conspirator. When in fact something like 16 people stood trial. And before Powell was executed he said something like, you didn't get but half of us. But a lot of it might be laziness on the part of the book authors. Which is part of the problem with the JFK case.

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I have no idea if something will become of his research but I have read somewhere in this year or the end of last year that Joseph P. Farrell was doing research on Lincoln and indicated that he uncovered a lot of unknown information. It might turn out to be a book or maybe not.

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FYI: This is the most comprensive doc I've seen re the Lincoln assassination plot. It was writtenby ex Union Gen TM.Harris in 1892, who sat as a military judge on the 1865 Commission that tried & sentenced the Lincoln assassination plotters, so this goes beyond just [wild] 'speculation', but is based on what the Military Commission found during the trial [this Commission was the anti-thesis of the Warren Commission]. It's titled: 'The Lincoln Assassination: A History of the Great Conspiracy'. You can find it @ www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/42855/pg42855-images.html

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Sorry if I seemed a bit long-winded. But I do wonder what pre WWII school history textbooks said about Lincoln's assassination, & also what those published during the period between WWII & circa 1960-61 said about it? I wonder if history textbooks back then taught that Lincoln's assassination involved a plot w several other plotters besides Booth which targeted Lincoln, his VP & Sec of State; Vs what we were taught in school in the post JFK assassination era? IDK if you can answer that, but...?

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If I recall correctly, they centered on Booth and Lincoln.

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May 3
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Please tell me this is parody - as it is it contains nothing of any substance, merely an inane smear, a kind of unintended compliment to Jim's lucid, cogent, insightful account of important facts and considerations connected with the JFK assassination and subsequent cover ups, distortions, omissions, and investigations gone awry!

Because you people have nothing, you wallow in positive nescience.

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May 4Edited
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LOL, that's hilarious, it has absolutely no relevant semantic content, and essentially functions as a recommendation for anyone who is unfamiliar with the JFK assassination, and wonders if somehow or other your bizarre word salad / smears are at all relevant - even if stated in a vituperative mass of ungrounded and paranoid charges - to read Jim's carefully, lucidly argued articles and reviews to see if those give the wild-eyed rant any credibility.

But in that case, you will be seen as just what I described : an unwitting purveyor of a recommendation for Jim Di Eugenio's work!

Let me link to just two examples, one of which is in three parts, since I suspect it's just possible you're a "sock puppet fake account" for one or both of these guys:





In fact, it wouldn't be going too far that people new to the massive set of interlocking controversies over the JFK assassination might start out by reading the article on Posner and the JFK Revisited project, as well as this three part demolition of Litwin, since it also serves as a kind of map to crucial facts and background in the case!

So if you want to keep flailing away spewing nonsense, that's sad and pathetic, but it does for all that serve as a stark contrast with the serious, detailed, factually grounded scholarship on the assassination from Jim.

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May 4Edited
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Your attempts at smearing critics of the Warren Commission by insinuating they are Russian spies or Communists (or by direct accusations) are pathetic, desperate and ignorant. I can send you references on educating yourself as to the pseudo-scientific excuses of neuro-muscular reaction and the jet effect. Richard Turnbull is not a gas-lighter (I doubt you can be manipulated in any case, as you seem to have an agenda here or similar forums). He is merely enlightening you on this case.

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May 24Edited
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